Colgate University

First-Year Course Offerings — Fall 2023

FSEM 199   Global Change and YOU!
RestrictionsNo 2026 2025 2024 AMS Scholar Course
Core Area Sciences
Area of Inquiry
Liberal Arts Practices

Faculty Profile for Professor Perring


Our changing climate is one of the biggest challenges facing society today. Dire predictions appear in the headlines and we all observe extreme weather events that are probably tied to rising temperatures and are likely to get worse in the future. The general public often feels powerless in the face of such a huge problem, yet many experts point out that we HAVE many solutions at our fingertips, we simply have to choose to use them. After taking this class students 1) understand the physical origin of the greenhouse effect, 2) are familiar with future climate projections and with how predicted changes will play out in our lives and 3) be able to identify and evaluate an array of technological, economic and political solutions to this problem. Students examine the process by which the scientific community reaches consensus and reports recommendations to the public and students practice looking at and analyzing data themselves. Students consider historical examples of successful international agreements and think about why global change has been so uniquely difficult to address. Students consider who is most impacted by global change, how to design equitable adaptation and mitigation strategies and how to communicate most effectively about this problem. Throughout the course students gain experience evaluating scientific information, improve critical reading skills, and practice developing well-reasoned oral and written arguments about scientific topics. Students who successfully complete this seminar receive credit for CORE S128 and satisfy the Core Sciences requirement.

Assistant Professor Anne Perring is an atmospheric chemist who researches airborne particles (aerosol) and their impacts on climate and clouds. Outside of work she can usually be found running around in the woods with her kids or her dog and complaining about ticks.