Colgate University

First-Year Course Offerings — Fall 2024

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Departments: Mathematics
Course Title Co-Req Pre-Req Notes
MATH 105 Introduction to Statistics Three years of secondary school mathematics; Not open to students who have either received credit for or are currently enrolled in CORE 143S or CORE S143 or MATH 240 or MATH 354 or MATH 416 or MATH 454 Large enrollment section
MATH 161 Calculus I Three years of high school mathematics, including trigonometry
MATH 162 Calculus II MATH 161 (formerly MATH 111) with a grade of C- or higher or equivalent experience in a secondary school calculus course
MATH 163 Calculus III (MATH 162 with a grade of C- or higher or equivalent experience in a secondary school calculus course) or (MATH 161 with a grade of B- or higher AND concurrent enrollment in PHYS 232) Students using prior high school experience for the prereq must submit an override request to obtain permission to register.
MATH 214 Linear Algebra MATH 162 or MATH 163
MATH 250 Number Theory and Mathematical Reasoning MATH 162 or MATH 163 with a grade of C or better Prereq or prereq override required